Random Popular Matchings with Incomplete Preference Lists


  • Suthee Ruangwises
  • Toshiya Itoh




popular matching , incomplete preference lists , phase transition , complex component


Given a set A of n people and a set B of mn items, with each person having a list that ranks his/her preferred items in order of preference, we want to match every person with a unique item. A matching M is called popular if for any other matching M, the number of people who prefer M to M is not less than the number of those who prefer M to M. For given n and m, consider the probability of existence of a popular matching when each person's preference list is independently and uniformly generated at random. Previously, Mahdian[Mahdian, Conf. El. Comm., 2006] showed that when people's preference lists are strict (containing no ties) and complete (containing all items in B), if α=m/n>α, where α1.42 is the root of equation x2=e1/x, then a popular matching exists with probability 1o(1); and if α<α, then a popular matching exists with probability o(1), i.e. a phase transition occurs at α. In this paper, we investigate phase transitions in the case that people's preference lists are strict but not complete. We show that in the case where every person has a preference list with length of a constant k4, a similar phase transition occurs at αk, where αk1 is the root of equation xe1/2x=1(1e1/x)k1.





How to Cite

Ruangwises, S., & Itoh, T. (2019). Random Popular Matchings with Incomplete Preference Lists. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 23(5), 815–835. https://doi.org/10.7155/jgaa.00513